Boxing is a sport with an ancient history. It was introduced to the ancient Olympic Games in the 7th century bc.
Boxing is a sport with an ancient history. It was introduced to the ancient Olympic Games in the 7th century bc.
In the Beginning
Boxing’s roots can be traced back to ancient Egypt around 3000 BC, where the earliest evidence of the sport emerges. Later, in the late 7th century BC, the Greeks introduced boxing to the ancient Olympic Games. In those early days, competitors wrapped their hands and forearms in soft leather straps to provide a basic level of protection.
Roman Developments
In Rome, the sport took on a harsher character. Leather straps gave way to the cestus—a glove reinforced with metal studs. While this upgrade might seem like an improvement, it only heightened the brutality of the matches. In fact, boxing bouts during this era often ended tragically, with one of the gladiators meeting a fatal end.
The National Boxing Federation of Turkmenistan
Batyr Ashyrov