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London 2012

  • Date 27 JUL - 12 AUG
  • Athletes 10568
  • Countries 204
  • Events 302

2012-nji ýylda geçirilen London oýunlary täze sport desgalarynyň bir hatarynyň geçirilýän ýeri bolup duran, gündogar Londondaky Olimpiýa seýilgähiniň töwereginde jemlendi. Günde 180 000 tomaşaçy Oýunlardan lezzet almak üçin seýilgähe girdi, bu hem ony olimpiýa işiniň baş obýekti etdi. 

Esasy ýerler – Olimpiýa stadiony, Sport suwda oýnalýan görnüşleriniň Merkezi, Welodrom we BMX, şeýle hem hokkeý, gandbol we basketbol meýdançalary – seýilgähdäki pyýada köprüleriň we ýodajyklaryň torynyň üsti bilen elýeterli boldy. 

Olimpiýa şäherçesi seýilgähdäki ähli ýerlerden birnäçe minutlyk ýörelýän aralykda ýerleşýärdi, bu bolsa türgenler we resmi adamlar üin tejribäni güýçlendirdi. Futbol üçin Uembli stadiony, tennis üçin, ýaýdan atmak üçin  Uimbldondaky bütin iňlis kluby we kenarýaka woleýboly üçin at gwardiýasynyň ýörişi ýaly abraýly ýerleriň ulanylmagy – 2012-nji ýylda Londonda geçirilen Olimpiýa we Para olimpiýa oýunlarynyň aýratynlygy boldy. 

2012-nji ýylyň London oýunlary dört ýyllyk medeniýetli olimpiýadany öz içine goşdy. Ol bütin Beýik Britaniýa boýunça sportuň we medeniýetiň 60 günlük festiwalyna başlap, 2012-nji ýylyň 27-nji iýulynda Olimpiýa oýunlarynyň açylyş dabarasynyň iň ýokary derejesini gazandy, sebäbi olimpiýa we para olimpiýa ruhy täzeden dünýäni geçýär.

  • AthleteSport
    Mergen MammedovAthletics
    Maysa RejepowaAthletics
    Serdar HudayberdiyevBoxing
    Nursahet PazzyyevBoxing
    Gulnar HayytbaevaJudo
    Sergey KrovyakovSwimming
    Jennet SaryyevaSwimming
    Umurbek BazarbayevWeightlifting
    Daniyar IsmayilovWeightlifting
    Mansur RejepowWeightlifting
  • The logo design rejects traditional typography for abstract form. There is no attempt to represent a "thing" in the logo. Rather, there is an interpretation of the spirit of sport, as opposed to literal sport—all that is literally expressed is the 2012.

    The odd jagged shapes of the 2012 can represent power, speed, energy and explosive excitement. The bright color palette reinforces that spirit. By virtue of the logo design and its extensions, the 2012 London Olympics can "own" jagged abstract shapes in bright colors. 

  • After the lighting ceremony in Olympia, the flame embarked on an eight-day journey across Greece, travelling to Crete and the north of the country via Thessaloniki, Xanthi and Larissa, before arriving on 17 May in Athens to be officially handed over to the Organising Committee of the Olympic Games in London.

    The flame then flew to the United Kingdom, where it arrived on 18 May. The British relay began the following day in Land’s End in Cornwall, with Ben Ainslie, triple Olympic champion in sailing from Britain as the first runner. 

    Number of torchbearers:
    Around 500 in Greece and 8 000 in Great Britain

    Total distance:
    15 775 km including 2 900 km in Greece and 12 875 in Great Britain

    Countries crossed:
    Greece, Great Britain


    Wenlock takes his name from the town of Much Wenlock in Shropshire, which still hosts the traditional Much Wenlock Games. These were one of Pierre de Coubertin's sources of inspiration for the modern Olympic Games.

    According to the story by Michael Morpurgo, Wenlock's metallic look is explained by the fact that he was made from one of the last drops of steel used to build the Olympic Stadium in London.

    The light on his head is based on those found on London's famous black cabs. The shape of his forehead is identical to that of the Olympic Stadium roof. His eye is the lens of a camera, filming everything he sees. On his wrists, he wears five bracelets in the colours of the Olympic rings. And the three points on his head represent the three places on the podium for the medal winners.

    Iris design agency


    • Streets, parks and underground station entrances in London were decorated with 84 sculptures of Wenlock and the Paralympic mascot Mandeville standing 2 metres 30 tall and each weighing a ton, to help guide tourists during the Games. These sculptures were decorated by 22 designers to reflect their surroundings.
    • The mascots were chosen in a competition launched in 2008. More than 100 designers, artists and agencies submitted proposals. Wenlock and Mandeville were chosen from a series of designs which included a humanised pigeon, an animated teacup and representations of Big Ben featuring arms and legs.