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The championship of Turkmenistan on cycling road was held

2022-08-30 08:05:16


The championship of Turkmenistan in cycling road road has ended. The competition was organized by the Ministry of Sports and Youth Policy of Turkmenistan jointly with the Cycling Federation of the country.

The distance of women’s races with a separate start was 15 km, and men’s — 25 km. In this type of individual competition, girls from Ahal velayat Zohre Gurbanmyradova and Jennet Gylychdurdyyeva became the first and second, respectively. Sevinch Gutlymyradova from Dashoguz rounded out the top three. In the men's individual race, athletes of the Cycling Federation of Turkmenistan Mahmyt Ashirov and Gadam Koshiliyev took the first and second steps of the podium. The third place was taken by Ihlasbek Abdulbekov from Dashoguz velayat.

Zohre Gurbanmyradova and Jennet Gylychdurdyeva competed in pair competitions among girls, where they also had no equal. The second place was taken by a pair of Mahym Taganova and Sevinch Gutlymyradova from Dashoguz. Another couple from the same region, Amalia Dovletova and Gulnisa Japbarova, took third place. The result of Mahmyt Ashirov and Gadam Koshilev brought them victory in the men's race. The second place was taken by Ihlasbek Abdulbekov and Emir Jumayev. Berdymyrat Yasiyev and Shirmyrat Agayev finished the race third.

Zohre Gurbanmyradova and Jennet Gylychdurdyyeva did not miss the victory in the team standings, held in a separate start. The team of Mahym Taganova, Sevinch Gutlymyradova and Amalia Dovletova managed to take second place, while the team of Mahri Orazmuhammedova and Gulnisa Japbarova took third place. In the men's team standings, the capital's athletes representing the Higher School of Sportsmanship of Turkmenistan won. This group included Mahmyt Ashirov, Gadam Koshiliyev and Berdimyrat Yasiyev. The second place was taken by a team consisting of such cyclists as Ikhlasbek Abdulbekov, Emir Dzhumaev, Alibek Yusupov, Mansur Durdyev. The team of Rejepgeldi Malikgulyyev, Myrad Pashikov, Kakamyrad Penamyradov and Orazmuhammet Nuryagdyyev managed to take the third place.

In addition, there were cycling races in the Criterium. The women's race consisted of 20 laps, and the men's race consisted of 30 laps. Jennet Gylychdurdyyeva won against the girls. Sevinch Gutlymyradova and Zohre Gurbanmyradova took second and third places respectively. Among young men, Mahmyt Ashirov showed the best results. The second place was taken by Ihlasbek Abdulbekov, the third place was taken by Gadam Koshiliyev.